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Monday, August 18, 2008

Meaning of the death of Christ : Research resources

Here is what Calvin says about Christ's death.

John Calvin:

With my whole soul I embrace the mercy which he has exercised towards me through Jesus Christ, atoning for my sins with the merits of his death and passion, that in this way he might satisfy for all my crimes and faults, and blot them from his remembrance. I testify also and declare, that I suppliantly beg of Him that he may be pleased so to wash and purify me in the blood which my Sovereign Redeemer has shed for the sins of the human race, that under his shadow I may be able to stand at the judgment-seat. I likewise declare that, according to the measure of grace and goodness which the Lord hath employed towards me I have endeavored, both in my sermons and also in my writings and commentaries, to preach His Word purely and chastely, and faithfully to interpret His sacred Scriptures. I also testify and declare, that, in all the contentions and disputations in which I have been engaged with the enemies of the Gospel, I have used no impostures, no wicked and sophistical devices, but have acted candidly and sincerely in defending the truth. "Last Will and Testament."

Here is rich resource for research on the meaning of the death of Christ

Also see yahoo groups on Calvin and Calvinism

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